David Link,
Art and Theory

Pandaemonium JUST RELEASED: David Link, Pandaemonium. 320 pages, Rohstoff, Matthes & Seitz Berlin (in German)

> Lesung "Pandaemonium" im ZKM, Karlsruhe, 22.02.2025
Love Letters Core Group Exhibition "Love Letters", Gallery Gabriele Senn, Vienna, 12.05.2023 – 28.07.2023
Radar Angels FM Einheit_David Link feat. Poetry Machine: Radar Angels.
         Lyrics of Radar Angels
         Radar Angels at the Turing Conversation, ETH Zurich
In Memoriam Peter Weibel FM Einheit / David Link: Uncomputable Number. In Memoriam Peter Weibel, 2023.
Love Letters Memory Group Exhibition "There Must Be Some Kind Of Way Outta Here", Gallery Crone Berlin & Crone Vienna
         Virtual Tour of the Exhibition
Poetry Machine Poetry Machine 2001 / 2019
Poetry Machine May Not the Soul Be as Balloons. An exhibition, Curated By Poetry Machine at Crone Gallery, Vienna
         The text generating the art works - EN / DE
Meditationes Meditationes. A Metaphysical Laboratory
Archaeology of Algorithmic Artefacts Archaeology of Algorithmic Artefacts
         Read the review!

Exhibition of a Dream "Death Progression", Exhibition of a Dream
         The text of the dream
         Audio Excerpt on Mixcloud
Monster Resurrection Monster Resurrection
         Video (German)
LoveLetters_1.0 LoveLetters_1.0
         Valentine's Day at the New Yorker
         documenta Notebook Machine Heart
         Love-letters, first derivative - PDF / EN / DE
         Fine Art Prints
Chorus_1.0 Chorus_1.0 - 2.0
PoetryMachine_1.0 PoetryMachine_1.0 - 2.0
         Grep moment *, DE / EN
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Memory Memory
  > cv
contact: alephsoixante @ gmail . com